Comment: “One act of zina is less sinful than watching ten seconds of porn”

Someone asked me about the following statement:

“One act of zina is less sinful than watching ten seconds of porn”

Here are just four cars involved in this trainwreck:

  1. Punishments reflect the severity of an act’s harms in this life and the afterlife: Zina has a prescribed punishment; watching porn does not and merits a disciplinary punishment [ta’zir].
  2. Rulings established through textual evidence that is both indisputably established and univocal have a higher rank than rulings established through evidence that do not combine all those qualities: Zina’s unlawfulness is established through a univocal verse of the Quran; the unlawfulness of watching porn is through analogy or other indirect methods.
  3. An act that involves or extends to other individuals is greater than one that is limited to the actor: An act of zina involves two direct participants; an act of porn watching involves one direct participant.
  4. An act that is wrong without exception is greater than one that has exceptions: Zina is wrong without exception; intentionally watching zina is wrong though there is a limited exception if a potential witness watches with the intent to testify in court.*

* This does not provide a loophole for porn watching since testimony is limited to first-hand information.

UPDATE. Edited and reposted with a new URL. The article’s title and quotation did not match the original quote. I guess even my nafs found it so bizarre that it automatically corrected it. And success comes only from Allah.