A few thoughts on fiqh-ish guidelines for developing toys
Someone asked about some basic guidelines for toys. In addition to yesterday’s post which covers some of the fiqh related to toys in the form of animate creatures [link], here …
Someone asked about some basic guidelines for toys. In addition to yesterday’s post which covers some of the fiqh related to toys in the form of animate creatures [link], here …
Here is a non-exhaustive collection of textual evidence that Shafii jurists tend to understand to indicate a general-prohibition of depicting animate life: The Prophet ﷺ cursed those who depict living …
(As requested, here’s a collection of today’s “Fiqh for Muslim Keyboard Warriors” posts from Facebook.) Q. What is the status of accepting statements of people you like?A. A personal obligation …
Q. I understand that we are not supposed to bury more than one body in a single grave. What are we supposed to do when there are massive deaths, such …
Q. I cannot attend a janazah [Funeral Prayer] in my own city due to mandatory social distancing. I heard that you can do a janazah for someone who passed away …
A few interesting plague-related rulings from this morning’s reading. Qunut for Lifting the Plague Hanafis and Shafiis (following the official position) consider it recommended to perform the qunut supplication asking …
(n.b. The “Dear Nafs” series started on 5 February 2020. This covers everything up through 24 February 2020.) Dear Nafs: Realize that when your own teachers referred to you as …
(n.b. This article was originally written 21 years ago. It is reposted with minor corrections.) Rajab, one of the four sacrosanct months in the Islamic year, began only a matter …
Back in 2006–2008, I had a small blog called “Shari‘ah Perspectives” while I was in Cairo. I wrote most of the posts, with maybe 10% coming from a few friends. …
This article describing a pork-free “pork” mentions that the product is …gluten-free and designed for kosher and halal certification, looks strikingly similar to real pork, with its light pink hue …